I am not going to stay up to watch all the counting though... "good evening Helsinki, here are the results from the Finnish vote. United Kingdom, one point, Royaume-Uni, un point pwarnt... Greece, twelve points, La Grèce, douze points pwarnt" etc
Delayed telecast means that we already know who the winner is.
(Pictures and comments from Guardian website.) The winner is...
Serbia: Marija Serifovic with "Prayer" (Molitva). Serifovic is, it’s fair to say, a peripherally successful singer in her native Serbia, which chimes more with the Eurovision entrants we know and love. Backing singers with sashes is always a winner.
(My) honourable mentions...Greece: Sarbel with "Yassou Maria". A keen advocate of modern laiko music, Sarbel says: I can't tell you whether Eurovision helps my career or not, because I don't know. It's very dangerous.” Crikey, what’s he planning?

Spain: D'Nash with "I Love You Mi Vida". Recently changed their name from NASH to D'NASH, due to the existence of a rapper called NACH, which sounds similar. It’s a small world and you don’t want to confuse people, hence the t-shirts.
Reading the lyrics on subtitle is always fun. They are so lame. Thank goodness for Terry Wogan.****************************
Didn't do much today. Where did the day go? Devi came over in the afternoon as I woke from a nap. She picked up an old clunky computer for her sister.
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