I am not going to stay up to watch all the counting though... "good evening Belgrade, here are the results from the Finnish vote. United Kingdom, one point, Royaume-Uni, un point pwarnt... Greece, twelve points, La Grèce, douze points pwarnt" etc
Tonight's telecast isn't live so we already know who the winner is.
Dima Bilan from Russia with Believe.
Dima Bilan worked up such a sweat that he had to unbutton his shirt
Dima Bilan of Russia celebrates on stage after winning the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade
The Latvian entry was dressed as pirates. No wonder they didn't win.
I made up for yesterday's vegging by cleaning the bathroom while I had a shower this morning, followed by some tidying and house cleaning.
Declan, Nell and Olivia came over for lunch and I made a frittata with bacon, leek, brussels sprouts and zuchini, with melted cheese on top.
wow ... a violin anna ice-skatin person. wutta ekstravaganzer.
i don't think american idol iz neerlee az grate!
Daniel, I love frittata and that sounds like a good one. I hope you put garlic in it.
I really miss your blog when you are away, I'm always trying to guess which news article will make to your front page.
See you soon.
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