Four years may have gone, but I still think of Fatty.

Fatty was a unique cat who behaved more like a loyal dog. He was a one person cat who didn't like lots of people around, but he followed me everywhere. He fretted when I was away, and he always waited for me inside the door when I returned home from work.
Fatty used to wake me in the mornings by tapping his paw on my nose! He was very assertive and directly communicated his demands by meowing or headbutting, unlike Keiser who expected me to read her mind.
Fatty loved fish and seafood. He was a real fish cat. Every now and again I gave him prawns (shrimps) as a treat.
Fatty loved going outside and was let out every morning (supervised) while he checked all the smells and re-marked his territory. He even rolled in the dirt like a dog! Then he would have to be brushed.
I will never forget Fatty. I have even called Kane, Fatty a few times. Fatty came to me when I called him, like Kane does now, even using the same hand signals.
What a lovely tribute to a beloved friend.
Aw. Fatty. A real fish cat!
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