The entire membership list of the British National party has been posted on the internet, identifying thousands of people as secret supporters of the far right and exposing many to the risk of dismissal from work, disciplinary action or vilification.In an ironic twist
The BNP leader, Nick Griffin, claimed today that he knew the identity of the person who published the list, describing him as a "hardliner" senior employee who left the party last year.
The BNP leader admitted the party was relying on the Human Rights Act, based on EU legislation, which it opposes, to try to protect the privacy of its members.A party that wishes to deny the rights of others now wants to use the same protection for themselves.
image from LOLGRIFFIN

I hope the names are leaked even further. Perhaps then, these misguided people will understand how it feels to be on the receiving end of hate.
Nothing to report today.
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