18 March 2007


Comic strips in newspapers can be very clever. One of my favourites is Alex, published in the UK Daily Telegraph. The double entendres are subtle.

(click on image to make bigger)


I did some pruning/gardening today. My friend (from work) Deborah's son Hugh came over to mow the lawn. Keiser used to love greeting and chatting to him.

This afternoon, I also had a short nap on the couch. There were many things that Keiser and I did together, like taking daytime couch naps. I miss her very much.

Mary was over this afternoon so I cooked a roast pork belly (marinaded in kecap manis, black vinegar and ginger), served with baked potatoes, a cucumber salad (that Mary made), and blanched gai lan greens.


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

hmmm ... roast pork belly ...
would i like dat?
tonite mi mom made pasta wid sausage an broccoli rabe in a lite olive oil wid garlic sauce.
she also made a potato leek soup.
see ... she can cook, too!

ACT said...

Hey Jeter,

I think you would very much like pork belly, especially the crackling (but not with all the condiments). You must love bacon!

Ooh, your mom's food looks great. I want to move in. You and your brothers need another lap!