23 May 2007

democracy in the UK... voting on TV shows

According to reports (in The Independent) about the latest edition of Lonely Planet's Great Britain
Modern Britain, according to the guidebook, is a nation obsessed with celebrity...

For this nation ... it is "a telling indictment that more people [in Britain] vote in TV talent shows than for their country's leaders", said the new guide to Great Britain. That, it suggested, was "a symptom of Britain's ever-growing obsession with fame and celebrity".

And in a damning indictment of what some might consider to be the UK's thriving creative industry, those so-called celebrities base their fame on "little more than the ability to sing a jolly tune, look good in tight trousers or kick a ball in the right direction".

Yes, where else would you find a 'reality show' with D-list former has beens that people actually watch? (I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here)

Emily came over tonight and even cooked - T-bone steak, baked potatoes and beetroot, and broccolini. She had noodles for lunch, which I had been planning to cook for dinner. I was not about to turn down having dinner cooked for me, especially steak.


Bogdan, the editor said...

Is steak good? I really need to have a sit-down with my humans about their eating habits. I want steak!

So, where else would you find a "reality show" with D-list former has-beens that people actually watch?

The United States of course.

I'm pretty sure we got Great Britain beat on this one.

Miss_K said...

Gosh, Lonely Planet is just figuring this out?!

I wish the Brits would get back to celebrating eccentricities instead of lame-o chavtastics.