I like this picture of Captain Haddock in space from the Tintin book, Explorers on the Moon (On a marché sur la Lune) published in 1954.
Well, I had a blast over the weekend and half of this week.
Michelle came and collected me from the airport. On Friday on found out that there was no training at the usual place, so I went into town with Michelle when she went to work. Then I caught up with friends from Brisbane (who also travelled to Melbourne for the game) at a bar. After that, I met with my regular Melbourne footy mates (Paul and Tim) for a drink at the Turf Bar (a hang out for Brisbane Lions supporters). Later, I met Michelle after she finished work and we went to Cally's place for pizza and a video (Eurotrip).
On Saturday, Michelle and I went to a shopping mall where she started looking at shoes. In the afternoon, I left her and went to the game after meeting up with Paul who had arranged the tickets. At half time, I met up with other supporters Kris and Tricia (for the first time). It was a great night.
On Sunday morning I went to the Melbourne Aquatic and Sports Centre where there was a meet the players event. I caught up with a few players with whom I regularly converse, and met up with the Brisbane group. It was a great morning.
In the afternoon, I attended another football game, which was also a great win (though close) by my other team (Essendon who played Adelaide).
On Monday, I flew to Brisbane and Sarah, my sister-in-law collected me from the airport. My two brothers arrived after work and we had a barbeque.
I spent most of Tuesday at the football club helping out. That evening was the reason for travelling to Brisbane, to attend a function with a number of the players at the Gabba (the home ground). It was incredible going on a tour of the player facilities and catching up again with a number of players including Blacky, Shermo, Begs and JPat.
This morning, I went back to the club to finish off some work that I had started. The staff were incredibly fantastic and it was great to finally meet them - as they have been really good to me.
Ah yes, back to work tomorrow. Bah!
You are truly a devoted fan!!
No, possibly insane.
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