02 August 2008

Office of Capital Spiritual Civilization Construction Commission

Only Beijing could come up with the Office of Capital Spiritual Civilization Construction Commission. A lofty title indeed for an agency teaching its citizens good manners.

From Associated Press
Beijing's advice on looking good for the Olympics
By HENRY SANDERSON – 31 July 2008

BEIJING (AP) — Polishing up Beijing for the Olympics has extended to the city government telling residents what not to wear, advising against too many colors, white socks with black shoes, and parading in pajamas.

The advice, on top of campaigns to cut out public spitting and promote orderly lining up, was handed out in booklets to 4 million households ahead of the Olympics, an official said Thursday.

The etiquette book giving advice on everything from shaking hands to how to stand is part of a slew of admonitions on manners, said Zheng Mojie, deputy director of the Office of Capital Spiritual Civilization Construction Commission.

"The level of civility of the whole city has improved and a sound cultural and social environment has been assured for the success of the Beijing Olympic Games," she said.

There should be no more than three color groups in your clothing, the book published by Zheng's committee advises, and wearing pajamas and slippers to visit neighbors, as some elderly Beijing residents like to do, is also out. It recommends dark-colored socks, and says white socks should never be worn with black leather shoes.

In the last few years, the government has educated people on how to prepare for the Olympics under the slogan: "I participate, I contribute, I enjoy."

Measures such as a ban on spitting in the capital city, which started in 2006, and the introduction of a day to show a little more patience in lines — on the 11th of each month — have paid off, Zheng said.

Campaigns involving nearly a million volunteers have been launched to give etiquette tips at schools, universities and government offices. In some districts university students have been encouraged to go to villages to educate rural people, she said.

"Such campaigns and educational activities are now gradually improving the lives of Beijingers, for example now you'll find more smiling faces and people are more properly and elegantly dressed," she said.

The book advises that there should be no public displays of affection, feet should be slightly apart or in the shape of a V or Y when standing, and a handshake should not last more than three seconds.

Don't ask foreigners their age, marital status, income, past experience, address, personal life, religious beliefs or political beliefs, it says.

Another book, published in April, details how to be a good fan when watching Olympic competitions, saying spectators should cheer all teams, and accept that a victory or loss is temporary whereas the impression of the culture inside a sports venue lasts forever.

For a country that censors the internet and insists that other nations don't mix politics with sports, it's rather ironic to provide fashion advice to its own people so as to create a favourable impression with foreigners. Surely a measure of civility is how a government treats its own people.

Today was a very restful day with much time spent on the couch.

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