The first beam in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN was successfully steered around the full 27 kilometres of the world’s most powerful particle accelerator at 10h28 this morning.That was Switzerland time, which was 18h28 local time (6.28pm). I was home. The world didn't end.
I like the hadronic rap by Kate McAlpine
I also like the Google logo for the day

I last wrote about the LHC on 31 March 2008.
There was a great show on TV tonight called KENNY'S WORLD - right up my alley.
In this the United Nations Year of Sanitation, Kenny has been invited by Network Ten to host an international travel show with a difference. KENNY'S WORLD follows Australia's favourite porta-loo plumber and part-time philosopher on a sightseeing tour you won't find in any travel guide.Toilets. What a fascinating subject matter!From the world's fastest Porta-loo in Indianapolis, Egypt's City of the Dead, The World Toilet Summit and Expo in India, the latest zero-gravity super loos in space to the eco friendly green toilets in the ancient Chinese capital Xi'an, Kenny scours the world for wonderful, bizarre, intriguing and often downright ridiculous examples of toilet technology and the people connected to them.
KENNY'S WORLD is a uniquely engaging, informative and entertaining celebration of humanity - told with honesty, respect and heart - via one of the most basic but least talked about aspects of human life - "taking care of business."
In his quest to locate the most interesting and unusual examples of his trade, Kenny and his crew travelled to 28 cities around the world. These included Fukuoka, Kyoto, Tokyo, York, London, Nottingham, Birmingham, Paris, Rome, Munich, Cologne, Xi'an, Shanghai, Bangkok, Mumbai, Delhi, Alwar, Taipei, Seattle, Tulsa, New York, Kiruna, Malmo, Copenhagen, Cairo, Moscow, Singapore and Luxembourg.
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