27 July 2011

The coconut meat rap

The white 'flesh' of a coconut is called 'meat'.  A work colleague couldn't believe it is called 'meat' for something that isn't of animal origin.

Being also a talented rap musician, he also wrote the following ditty

Go loco for Coco, the Coconut /
sweet is the meat when you split the nut /
it's not like beef, nor pork my friend /
it's a fruity meat, a treat till the end /
slurp on the juice, white crumbly flesh /
combine it with peanut meat, now that's somethin' fresh /
Coconut meat, Aroy-D all in the can /
when you eat the cocomeat well you da man /

There you go. Lyrics above © copyright by D'Opus & Roshambo

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