23 August 2009

director of fun

Six-year-old Sam Pointon from Leicester wrote to National Railway Museum in York and applied to replace retiring director Andrew Scott.

He wasn't successful in landing the top job, but was instead appointed 'director of fun'.

See BBC News

The job description will have to be geared towards 'performance' if he is to be paid. According to Health and Safety Executive UK,
Children under 13 years of age are generally prohibited from any form of employment and local authorities have powers to make bylaws on the types of work, and hours of work, children aged between 13 years and the MSLA can do. However, children below these age limits may be licensed to take part in performances. The licence must be issued by the relevant local authority for all children below the MSLA, taking account of their fitness and arrangements for their health, kind treatment and education as appropriate to their age.
MSLA is minimum school leaving age. I expect Sam's 'director of fun' is an honorary one. Still, what a great job for a six-year old train enthusiast.

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